Vivian Duan

Vivian Duan

Congratulations for your pregnancy and I am pleased to be with you during this exciting journey! I am in my early 40s and a mother of 3 lovely boys. I worked as a core midwife & community midwife at Auckland City Hospital and Greenlane Clinical Centre from 2017, then work as an LMC midwife based in central Auckland since 2019. My birth philosophy includes: believe childbirth is not primarily a medical event and avoid unnecessary interventions, apply evidence based practice, trust women's intuition and promote holistic health. As your midwife, I will support you and empower you to aim for a smooth and satisfied pregnancy and birth experience, and also calm and positive to face any challenges when progress deviate from normality. I integrate Spinning Babies and Calm Birth into my practice and am enthusiastic about natural birth including water birth and vaginal birth after CS. My current antenatal clinic is at Mother-Well holistic health centre in Mt Eden on Tuesday/Thursday.

The best way to contact me is send text to 02108199424 during work hours 9am to 5pm. Alternatively, you can email to Please send your details including name, address and expected due date, and I will reply asap. Usually the first booking appointment will be when you around 9 or 10 weeks pregnant.

Availability for your month due


The practice only needs to show availability for the month that you are due.