Deina Payne

Deina Payne

Congratulations! Ko Ngāpuhi me Ngāti Raukawa ahau. I share a caseload Kelsey Mitchell. We alternate clinic and on-call so you will get to know both of us throughout your hapūtanga and one of us will attend you when you birth.

We are fiercely passionate about Māori women's health and provide kaupapa Māori care to whānau Māori. We reserve availability each month for whānau who choose to birth at home.

We believe every hapūtanga is a new wananga with your pēpi, to remind yourself of your intrinsic mana & reclaim birthing tikanga that is unique to your whānau. We are confident in birthing as a normal, natural, whānau centred process and find joy in providing safe & excellent midwifery care, working within our scope of practice & sharing information that upholds oranga. You will be supported to lead the decision making in your care, even in rare circumstances when things don’t go to plan!

We look forward to working with you and your whānau.

Ngā manaakitanga xx

Please TEXT or email with your name, address, the month you are due, what number baby this is for you and where you would like to give birth. We try to respond within the week. Please phone if you have not heard from us within two weeks. Ngā mihi!

Availability for your month due


The practice only needs to show availability for the month that you are due.

Contact Deina Payne

Please complete this form if you are looking for midwifery services. If you are attempting to contact midwives for marketing purposes please contact the College.
