Jean Lee

Jean Lee

I would like to congratulate you on your pregnancy. There is such an exciting journey ahead of you, and it would be an honour if I could be a part of it. I have a passion for helping people which brought me to this job. My philosophy is to be with women through this precious moment in their lives, along with advocation, informed consent & choice. I aspire to provide a positive pregnancy journey with quality midwifery care. I am confident with complexities, as I was a Fetal Medicine Specialist at Auckland Hospital.

Specialty: VBAC, AMA (age >35), High-risk pregnancies.

I am Korean, a mother to a beautiful baby girl and enjoy snow sports, travelling & cafe-hunting on my days off.

My clinic is based in Massey/Westgate (Wed & Fri)


안녕하세요, 미드와이프 이지인 입니다.

임신을 진심으로 축하드립니다. 누군가를 돕는일이 좋아서 시작한 이 일, 산모와 아이의 안전을 위해 최선을 다하겠습니다. 임신기간, 출산 그리고 산후 6주 동안 케어 해드립니다.

아이와 산모랑 함께하는 미드와이프, 이지인.

진료: 웨스트게이트/메시

PHONE: 021 122 3915 EMAIL: 카톡: midwifejean Please leave a text with your name and estimated date of delivery and I will return a call or text as soon as possible. Alternatively, you can send an email anytime. Thank you for taking the time to consider me as your midwife. I will try my best to provide individualised maternity care according to your wishes.

Availability for your month due


The practice only needs to show availability for the month that you are due.

Contact Jean Lee

Please complete this form if you are looking for midwifery services. If you are attempting to contact midwives for marketing purposes please contact the College.
