Rebecca Clewlow
About me
Congratulations on your pregnancy.
Here is a link to resources
If I've looked after you before, please ignore the "not available" in the the calendar. Welcome back!
I have worked as a Community LMC midwife and as a Staff midwife, at Waikato Hospital.
I am straight to the point and don't mind a bit of humour.
I am married and have two grown up daughters (standing on each side of me in the photo). I live in Taupiri where I have 2 parents, 1 husband, 3 dogs, 2 donkeys, 6 chickens, and I think that’s the correct order of how difficult they are to look after.
My midwifery partner and I have both worked as staff midwives at Waikato Hospital, we care for you wherever you want, or need to birth. You will meet Dawn later in your pregnancy, which allows us to have good back up support.
My clinic room is at Midwives by Chartwell, Unit 14, 9 Lynden Court, Chartwell
Please send me an email from this site with a few details about you and this pregnancy.
Contact Rebecca Clewlow
Please complete this form if you are looking for midwifery services. If you are attempting to contact midwives for marketing purposes please contact the College.