Women that are fit and well, can be supported to birth at the Botany Unit, where we use water and simple forms of pain management. Having a water birth is also an option.

I am contracted to book women that want to birth at Botany Downs Birth Unit, which is a midwife led birth unit. I am part of the Botany Case-Loading Midwifery Team, providing care for women planning to birth at Botany Birth Unit.

In the event you need to birth at Middlemore Hospital due to a complication I continue to support you to birth there.

I am passionate about supporting women as they bring their babies into their world. Birth environments that can be kept dim, quiet and allow loving support provides a calm, environment for women to allow their bodies to process through their labour, and birth their babies with power and pride.

If you want to birth at BOTANY BIRTH UNIT contact me. We offer you a private room if available after your birth and free parking and home-cooked meals are a bonus.

Best way to reach me is to use this email address: suehoward6154@gmail.com I will supply my work mobile number, once you contact me, and you confirm that you want to birth at Botany Birth Unit. I will respond promptly with an answer on my availability so you can know what is happening. And we can both get some answers to questions we may both have to see if we are able to partner together for your pregnancy journey.

Availability for your month due


The practice only needs to show availability for the month that you are due.

Contact Susan Howard

Please complete this form if you are looking for midwifery services. If you are attempting to contact midwives for marketing purposes please contact the College.
