Te Waiora Mason
About me
Kōkiri whakarunga taku poi ki te tihi tapu o Taiarahia maunga.
Ka māwhiti whakararo ki ngā wai teretere o Ōhinemataroa e rere mai nā.
Hāoa mai rā te waka tapu o Mātaatua ki ō uri o Ngāti Rongo e pōhiri atu nei.
Ka tau kai raro, ka tau ki ngā maihi o Tauarau marae e whātoro mai nā.
Tēnei au, he iti nō ngā iwi o Ngāi Tūhoe, Ngāti Maniapoto,Te Whakatōhea me Te Arawa.
I’m Te Waiora, a Māmā to three little ones. Originally from Rūātoki in the Bay of Plenty. I now reside and work in South Auckland as a self-employed midwife, offering continuity of care. This means I tautoko whānau through a natural and normal pregnancy. My greatest passion is supporting whānau in the reclamation of their tino rangatiratanga over their hapūtanga, birth and thereafter. My back-up partner Aroha Harris also believes in this philosophy, and we work together as a team to provide you and your whānau with the best care possible. If you wish to enquire about my availability, do so using the form below. Āku whakamiha.
Languages spoken: Te Reo Māori
Availability for your month due
- Available
- Enquire
The midwife only needs to show availability for the month that you are due.
I attend births at
Birthing Units
Availability for your month due
- Available
- Enquire
The practice only needs to show availability for the month that you are due.
Contact Te Waiora Mason
Please complete this form if you are looking for midwifery services. If you are attempting to contact midwives for marketing purposes please contact the College.