Wanaka Noanoa
About me
Kia ora!
Ko Wanaka tōku ingoa. He uri tēnei nō Ngāti Porou, Te Aitanga-a-Hauiti, Te Aitanga a Māhaki, Ngāi Tūhoe anō hoki.
Born and raised in Pōneke, I am a māmā turned midwife providing kaupapa Māori midwifery care to whānau located in Wellington. My role as a midwife is to work in partnership with you and your whānau, so that together we can ensure you and your pēpi receive the best care possible. I provide a continuity of care service, supporting you from the beginning of hapūtanga, in labour and and birth, and postnatally until your pēpi is 4-6 weeks old.
I’m supported in a wider rōpū of 4 other beautiful midwives, allowing me to balance mahi and my own growing whānau.
My mahi is rooted in Te Ao Māori and I’m passionate about improving health outcomes for Māori and Pasefika whānau. For that reason, I prioritise caring for pēpi who whakapapa Māori and/or Pasefika.
In 2025, I will be returning from Maternity Leave & taking a smaller caseload.
Mauri Ora!
To kōrero further, complete the form below or email me directly at: midwifewanaka@gmail.com.
Please include:
- Any relevant whakapapa
- What number pēpi this is for you
- What suburb you live in
- Where you hope to birth your pēpi
Contact Wanaka Noanoa
Please complete this form if you are looking for midwifery services. If you are attempting to contact midwives for marketing purposes please contact the College.