Michelle Robinson

Michelle Robinson

(Last updated 03/05/24)

Congratulations! What a wonderful time in your life this is! ... and nerve-racking and exciting and terrifying and joyous. I’ve been there and felt it all and now I am honoured that I get to help you along in your own journey. I began midwifery practice in 2011 and spent the first few years of my career working at Middlemore Hospital while taking breaks to have my own babies. I also have experience working in primary birthing units and have completed a postgraduate diploma in midwifery practice. I have been working as a Lead Maternity Carer since 2018 and love walking with women and their families through their childbirth experience and supporting them as they become parents. I have a preference for births at the birthing centre and at home.

Feel free to text me or email me using the form below and I will respond as soon as I am able. It is helpful for me to know your name, when you are due, what suburb you live in, what number baby you are having, what your previous births were like, where you would like to have this baby, and if you have any medical conditions. I prefer to receive this information by text message but you can also email me or fill in the form on my website: michellerobinsonmidwife.co.nz. If you have had me as a midwife before and want to book with me again then please get in touch regardless of what my availability or location says. I have clinics on Tuesdays at Leading Midwifery Care on Fraser Street in Tauranga for antenatal appointments and will come to see you at home after baby is born.

Availability for your month due


The practice only needs to show availability for the month that you are due.

Contact Michelle Robinson

Please complete this form if you are looking for midwifery services. If you are attempting to contact midwives for marketing purposes please contact the College.
