Kaz Kavanagh

Kaz Kavanagh

Kia Ora and welcome aboard this wonderful journey to parenthood. I am a proud Irish mammy to two beautiful girls, and have been living in NZ for 14 years. Family, friends, and culture are extremely important to me and something I respect with each whānau I care for. I believe women/birthing people should feel empowered and supported to birth in a way that aligns with their beliefs and values and be guided by evidence based information to make true informed decisions. I provide equitable care that is tailored to each individual and encourage participation from the whole whānau.

I follow the evidence that home/primary units are the safest place for well women/birthing people to birth their pēpē, whilst providing hospital care if medically indicated.

I have a small caseload, working closely with the whole team at Rātā, who are like minded and share a similar philosophy. My direct back up midwives are the wonderful Kate Henderson and Sheena Ross who will cover my days off each week.

I have a Monday morning antenatal clinic at Kurawaka Waipapa on Antigua Street, CBD, 9am - 1.15pm, and a Thursday morning clinic at Te Ara Sophia in Opawa, 9am - 1.15pm. If you feel my philosophy aligns with yours, please contact me via email. We can chat further and I can provide you with more information to see if I would be the right midwife for you. Business hours = Monday to Friday 9am-5pm. Go raibh maith agat/ Ngā mihi nui/ Thank you Kaz x

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Contact Kaz Kavanagh

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